Apply Page 4

Privacy Consent of Applicant:

You hereby appoint Square Credit Repair Pty Ltd A.C.N. 618 494 081 (‘Square’) to act on your behalf in all or any of the following matters:

To apply for and receive a copy of your credit report;
To view your credit information files held by any credit reporting body;
To seek to procure any alteration to a credit information file held by any credit reporting body;

1. You hereby authorise Square and its officers, agents, employees and consultants to hold full and frank discussions with, and to make necessary disclosures of my/our information (including personal information) to credit reporting bodies, credit providers and/or government agencies and to disclose in the course of those discussions any and all information which I have provided to Square.

2. You hereby authorise any credit reporting body, credit provider, government agency or other third party approached by Square pursuant to this appointment, to disclose to Square and its officers, agents, employees and consultants, on my/our behalf, any and all information and documents (including any of your personal information) regarding your affairs, financial position and dealings with credit reporting agencies, credit providers and government agencies (as the case may be).

3. You confirm that you have authorised Square to act as your agent to exercise your rights to obtain access to all of your credit information in the possession or control of any credit reporting body or any third party credit provider.

This authority continues to apply until the matter(s) relating to this appointment are resolved or the date I/we revoke this authority by notice in writing to Square.

I understand, authorise and consent to all the terms set out within this page.

I Agree

By completing your online signature you are agreeing to the terms on this page and understand this is the same as an original signature and is binding.

Signature (required)

Date (required)